What is web design?

The website is your selling point. It is the first point of interaction that clients, investors, and suppliers alike have with your company. It introduces you to the people that come into contact with it. They make decisions and judge your business according to how well you introduce yourself to them through this online platform. At Connect Locals, we know this all too well. It is our business to ensure that your first impression is a good one.

Web design encompasses several roles. First, it entails the making and maintenance of a website and all the other tasks in between that make the site functional and user-friendly. These roles include designing, authoring, interface design, and coding to optimize the site. In addition, a web designer is required to make the website friendly to the end-user. If a site is not user-friendly, the web designer will have missed its mark. So, when you think design, let the idea of something beautiful and coordinated hit you. This is a designer’s job; to give the site a physical appeal while at the same time making it possible for users to find with ease whatever they are looking for from the site.

Technology used

Through the years, web design has evolved to use modern-day tools and techniques. Now and then, the standards change as technology improves, but the principles behind web design remain the same. For example, designers utilize both vectors and raster. These are graphic editors that are used to create web-formatted imagery.
Web designers use technologies such as HTML and CSS to create websites. These standards can either be hand-coded or generated using editing software such as WYSIWYG. Website designers also use other tools to check usability.

Designing to reach a niche

A designer is required to understand whom the site targets to achieve. For example, in the case of a B2B (Business to Business), the requirements may differ from those of a website targeting consumers; Business to consumers. With this knowledge, the web designer will know what content to prioritize or put on the site.

Interactive design

One of the most important aspects of web designing is not the owner of the site but the people for whom the site is developed. Whether targeting corporate, investors, or retailers, a site should be able to communicate appropriately to those users. In this regard, interactive design is the part of web design that ensures that the site is well labeled and optimized for usability. This is especially useful when you incorporate that not all users who contact your site will be adequately skilled.


A designer may decide only to use a few specific typefaces of a similar style and readily accepted by browsers. This also makes the page more appealing and avoids complication later on.

Quality of code

It is good practice to conform to the standards set while coding. Deviating from them does not make the site unreadable, but if the code is written uniformly, it makes it easier to align the layout for readability.

Motion graphics

They affect the layout of the page. Motion graphics are expected to be on a page that is entertainment-oriented. It does not mean that other websites would lack animated videos, though. Designing the home page Kyle Soucy and Jakob Nielsen, both usability experts, have reiterated that the most crucial page of the website is the homepage. This logic has been challenged over time. Most people who know what they are looking for on a website hardly check the homepage instead of going directly to whatever they are looking for. Jared Spool said in 2007 that the homepage is the most important page on any website.

Occupations involved in web design

Website designers and web developers work closely together. Web designers are responsible for the visual aspects of the site, such as typography, coloring, and layout. They also are required to be knowledgeable in CSS and HTML5, both markup languages. In smaller organizations, the person responsible for creating a website may need a more profound knowledge of programming and designing a web page. Therefore, the duties are not split, as may be the case for a bigger organization with enough resources to hire designers and programmers.

  • Other jobs that may be included in the web designing are;
  • Designers for logos and buttons
  • SEO writers for optimization on search engines
  • nternet marketers and community managers who will make the online presence of the site felt
  • User experience designer
  • Internet copywriter to create content relevant to the organization

You don’t have a website till we have designed one for you. Then, our web designers will create a whole new digital platform that will attract lots of traffic.