Consumer reviewing a business onlinePositive online customer reviews are the best advertising for your products and brand. Always seek them but consider the customer’s perspective. They already have the service or product, and your request might be inconvenient. Be polite and keep your appeal brief and true to your brand. Here are key tips:

  • Short and Sweet: Keep requests brief as customers have already received what they want. Avoid long requests, especially since many will be viewed on cell phones.
  • Make It Easy: Provide a template in your email for easy reviews. Leading questions can guide customers on what to include.
  • Offer Rewards: Motivate customers with rewards like free products or discounts. Incentives can encourage reviews.
  • Personalize Requests: Use personal details like the customer’s name and a message from a company executive to increase engagement.
  • Reinforce Your Brand: Use an email template with your company logo to strengthen brand recognition and remind customers of who you are.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! Don’t send over two weekly review requests. Multiple reviews in a short period can be considered spam by Google.

Contact Innovation Web Design to improve your online reviews and boost your social media presence.

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